
 admin   2024-01-08 12:56   20 人阅读  0 条评论

姚永康作品价格案 I had a good time during the trip. 如果帮到你,请记得采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

传统农耕文化研究案 玩得开心Have a good time! 过得愉快Enjoy your time!两个英文词语意思基本相同,结合语境可以互换使用。

网上废铁市场价格案 I had a good time./ I enjoyed myself very well.

南阳市6月份案 玩得开心have funhave a great timehave a wonderful timebe happyenjoy yourself

粮食单产极限案 汉译英 上周末我们一起去野外郊游玩得很开心。 Last weekend we had fun going on a trip.


夏夜小院清风荷叶古诗词案 野营很有趣 英语翻译 Camping is a great fun Camping is so funny To go camping is of great fun To camp out is so interesting /funny To camp out is of great interest /fun如果

南平有没有直达昆明的动车时刻表案 15号,我和同学外出到山上野营,我们在山上玩得好开心。 1. 15, I and my classmates went to the mountains to go camping, we have a good time in the mountains to enjoy.

宝宝吃了舒肤宝案 吃野餐并拍照,很累但玩的很开心 It was tiring to go for a picnic and take pictures.Nevertheness, I enjoyed myself very much.

针织衫女加绒加厚冬装图片案 have fun. have a good time. have a great time. have a wonderful time. enjoy oneself. This means that you enjoy having a good time. 也就是说,你喜欢玩得快乐。 I hope you'll


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